Monday, July 18, 2011

Hello, hello... is this thing on...

Sorry about the long silence here. but once again it's July, and thus festival and travel time for me.

Just got back from Starwood, the fest I helped to found and have helped to organize for the past 31 bleedin' years. I still love it. Like love it, wanna marry it... hell I practically have married it, and we have kids now... Another great year, the second at Wisteria. We're growing in the new site, and all is copacetic.

I have been writing, some, and I have been at the altar, some. But I'm also on the way to a family vacation, returning to hit the ground running for our Grove Lughnassadh gathering here at Tredara. So, I'll get some content up here when I can...

Enjoy your summer...

Oh, and as evidence of some continuing activity, I'll take a big chance and post a tiny bit of the opening of The Novel.

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